HKIS Whistleblowing Service

Hong Kong International School (HKIS) is committed to ensuring a safe and secure working and learning environment is provided for employees and students and that all dealings are upheld with honesty and integrity. HKIS encourages and supports our employees as well as students, suppliers, service providers, and other stakeholders to report in good faith credible information on suspected illegal acts, misconduct or impropriety in relation to HKIS (e.g. fraud, theft, corruption, bribery, conflicts of interest, abuse of influence).

To facilitate reporting and to provide assurance that reported incidents will be managed objectively in the event that normal channels of reporting are unavailable or exhausted, HKIS has engaged Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory Services Limited (Deloitte) to provide independent, third party whistleblowing services through three different channels: a website, a telephone hotline, and a dedicated email address.

You may report anonymously or with full disclosure. The information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will only be disclosed in limited circumstances, for example:

  • where disclosure is required by applicable laws and/or regulations;
  • in legal proceedings;
  • where the report is false or made maliciously or not in good faith;
  • where in the opinion of HKIS, the disclosure of the report and/or the identity of the individual making the report is warranted, necessary and/or material to the relevant investigations or to protect the interests of HKIS.

HKIS will investigate and handle the matter in accordance with its internal policy and will not retaliate against whistle-blowers who report in good faith on the grounds that they have made a report.

Deloitte provides three whistleblowing channels through their whistleblowing service (Website, Hotline and Email). If you find any credible, potential or suspected violations, please use one of these channels to report any concern regarding irregularities or misconduct when the normal channels of reporting are unavailable or exhausted:

1. Online Please click on the "Log a disclosure/suspicion" button on the Home Page
2. Email Please send
3. Hotline Please dial: +852 800 963 683

*This hotline is open 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Cantonese, Mandarin and English language and 24 hours and 7 days a week for voice mail access.